Emergency Information
Suicide Prevention 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Lifeline (Suicide Hotline) I-800-273-8255
Dawson McAllister (youth) hotline 931-486-1515
Domestic Violence 1-800-356-6767
Hope House Domestic Violence Columbia 931-381-8580
Child Abuse Hotline 1-877-237-0004
Heaven of Hope Coffee/Moore County 931-723-3852
Heaven of Hope Bedford/Marshall County 931-680-3005
Heaven of Hope Franklin/Lincoln County 931-968-4994
Adult protective Services 1-888-277-8366
Mobile Crisis (Mental Health Crisis) 1-800-681-7444
Red Cross Columbia 931-381-0114
Red Cross Franklin 615-790-5785
Tennessee Driving Record and History
Vehicle and Registration Davidson County
Vehicle and Registration Williamson County
Vehicle and Registration Maury County
Vehicle and Registration Marshall County
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Tennessee Highway Safety Office